Informare de presă ref. alegerea membrilor Comitetului Executiv al EPRA


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Comunicatul Platformei Europene a Autorităților de Reglementare în domeniul Audiovizualului (European Platform Of Regulatory Authorities) referitor la alegerea membrilor Comitetului Executiv al EPRA, format dintr-un președinte (Norvegia) și patru vicepreședinti (România, Irlanda, Marea Britanie și Slovacia)

Reprezentantul României în cadrul noului Comitet Executiv este domnul Valentin-Alexandru Jucan, vicepreședinte CNA.

Biroul Informare și Relații Publice

posted on 05 June, 2023 (public)
Continuity and change to help EPRA fulfill its mission

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From left to right : Valentin-Alexandru Jucan ; Stephanie Comey ; Mari Velsand ; Maria Donde ; Stanislav MatÄ›jka Photo © Ketil Blom

Elections of the entire EPRA Executive Board took place during the 57th EPRA meeting on 1 June 2023 in Oslo. The Assembly of EPRA members unanimously elected Mari Velsand, Director at the Norwegian Media Authority (Medietilsynet), as the Chairperson. Mari is no newscomer to the network : she already served two mandates as EPRA Vice-Chairperson. She replaces Maria Donde, Chairperson by interim since November 2022. Together with Mari, EPRA members elected four Vice-Chairpersons :
Stephanie Comey, Director of Media Development at the Coimisiún na Meán (CNaM) Ireland, and EPRA Vice-Chair in office since 2021 ;
Maria Donde, Head of International Content Policy at Ofcom, United Kingdom, active in the EPRA Board since 2018 ;
Valentin-Alexandru Jucan, Vice President, National Audiovisual Council, in Romania, he joins the Board for the first time ;
Stanislav Matějka, Head of the Analytical Department, Council for Media Services, Slovakia, also joining the Board for the first time. EPRA members warmly welcomed the new elected Board and wished them good luck to fulfill their missions and encourage cooperation between media regulators. Commenting, EPRA Chairperson, Mari Velsand said : « EPRA has an important function in supporting the exchange of information, knowledge and know-how between the National Regulatory Authorities in the media field in Europe. These tasks are more important than ever, and I am looking forward to contributing together with the rest of the Executive Board and our members ».

For a more detailed presentation of the new Board, please visit the dedicated page of the website.

The Executive Board acts as the strategic body steering the EPRA.

Inter alia, it represents the EPRA in external events, proposes a 3-year strategy, devises the yearly work programmes and the related activities, and takes decisions relating to the operation of the EPRA.

Members of the EPRA Executive Board are elected for a two-year mandate. A maximum of three successive mandates is possible. Members of the EPRA Executive Board are elected and act as individuals in a personal capacity on a honorary basis.